Team Compact

The History… Why Bother With Such Formalities as a Constituional Democratic Republic of Soccer?

Sport is mostly fun until you get 50 adult male soccer “enthusiasts” (addicts), many with prior coaching experience, on the field arguing over how to assess soccer talent, the best drills to perform, and the optimal on-field tactics. You combine all these and you have a recipe for chaos, testosterone unchecked one-upsmanship, and general chaos and bad vibes.

Team soccer in Sonoma County, like just about everywhere in America (Europe has fancy well run clubs with privately owned playing fields and on site brew pubs), pretty much follows the same formula. A team is formed and managed by a single individual or two who invite their friends to join the team and tell all others to go away. Or there is a bunch of guys who create a team and they live with total anarchy (Yes, we are one step above that).

We thought there must be a better way to organize an open soccer community that promotes people comming together to play soccer with good sportmanship and fun while still maintaining quality competative soccer play. Our Team Compact is the set of rules that embody our ideals for being a good Soccer Club Citizen (and a guideline for not getting thrown out for being an a_ _). We are far from perfect – but it is a start.

Team Compact

All players who want to play league games agree to abide by the following:

1. DUES – Players pay a member fee by the due date determined by the manager and get league identification card.

2. MANAGER – At the end of each season a meeting shall be called and team members who attend shall elect a manager for the next season. Each season a team manager shall register the team with the league and coordinate payments, expenditures and uniforms. He is responsible for communication of the practice and game schedule.

3. COACHES – Each season a meeting shall be called and team members who attend shall elect a coach. The coach shall appoint an assistant coach and select the team roster of approximately 16 to 18 Active Players and a list of Reserve Players. Prior to the start of each game and during halftimes the coach shall be responsible for determining positions, starters, substituting patterns and overall game strategy. The Head Coach will be in charge of practice activities and halftime discussions. All team members will respect the recommendations of the coach and assistant coaches in regard to positions, substitutions and strategy. Disagreements will be communicated respectfully and in an appropriate time, place, and manner.

4. LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE – The leadership committee shall consist of 5 elected members of the club. The leadership committee will provide guidance for organizational matters regarding the club and help resolve disputes.

5. SELECTION COMMITTEE – The leadership committee shall appoint three club members each year to meet independently and divide players into an upper division team roster and a lower division team roster.

6. PRACTICE – Good soccer play results from on-field communication and familiarity with individual playing styles. Good team chemistry is the number one priority of the team. All league players commit to the best of their abilities to attend one practice a week for as much of the year as possible. Skill levels being equal, playing time shall be weighted towards those who regularly attend practice.

7. TARDINESS – Players agree to arrive to games no later than 20 minutes before the starting whistle to facilitate line-up and game plan.

8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION – If any player has a grievance with strategy, positions, or playing time, it should be discussed with the steering committee preferably at beginning or end of practice (or if necessary) before or after a game, or as last resort during halftime. During game time we are POSITIVE, SUPPORTIVE, and PLAY AS A TEAM.

9. ROSTER ADDITIONS: Any player added to the team after season commences must attend a Thursday practice and have unanimous consent of steering committee before playing league games.

10. BAD APPLE POLICY – By unanimous vote, the Steering Committee can remove a player from the team who does not follow or respect the mandate of the Team Compact.