About Sebastopol Soccer Club

Welcome to the Sebastopol Soccer Club. We are a grassroots volunteer collective of soccer enthusiasts from West Sonoma County. Our mission is to promote competitive, quality soccer play. We sponsor two adult Over-30 teams in the Sonoma County Senior Soccer League, the Bobcats and RedHawks. We emply the playing style and tactics as set by the U.S. Soccer Federation Guidelines.

Our members are individuals from all walks of life who love the sport of soccer and enjoy the thrill of competing against other skilled players. Members dedicate themselves to improving their soccer skill, game insight and conditioning. We welcome soccer players who commit to regular practices, work towards developing team strategy, and abide by the terms of our Team Compact.

Sebastopol Soccer Club

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Soccer is a dangerous sport. All people who play soccer with the club do so at their own risk. The club is not responsible for injuries, excessive staulking from female fans, or the ravages of human aging.