Style and Principle of Play

Sebastopol Soccer Club follows the playing style and tactics as developed and published by the U.S. Soccer Federation. The purpose for adopting these guidelines is to promote a unified style of play and coaching. Some members may disagree with the principles outlined below but as a club it is imperative that we play with one playing style regardless of who is coaching or playing in a given season or division. Download U.S. Soccer Federation PDF: Style and Principles of Play.

Key Elements that Define Our Style of Play


Offensive Style: All teams will be encouraged to display an offensive style of play based on keeping possession and quick movement of the ball.

Quick Transitions and Finishing: Speed of play, avoiding over-dribbling, looking for an organized and quick movement of the ball and finishing will be encouraged in all age groups.

Position Specific: A team must be organized defensively, keeping their specific positions in the formation. However, players will look for spaces and movements to support forward when attacking by moving away from their original positions.


4-3-3 Formation: Teams will use the 4-3-3 formation, either in its 4-2-3-1 or 4-1-2-3 variations. Teams in the advanced stage (U15 onwards) can also use a 4-4-2 formation with a diamond in the middle. This system (4-4-2 diamond) provides more space in the wide areas of the field for the outside backs to move forward and join the attack.

Back 4: All formations used by the teams in 11-a-side games must keep a back 4 line. The back 4 provides consistency in defense and allows space for the outside backs to move forward when attacking.

This is the 4-3-3 formation in its 4-2-3-1 variation. This is a well balanced formation in attack and defense with two holding midfield players and one attacking midfielder.

a well balanced formation in attack and defense with two holding midfield players and one attacking midfielder.

Most Relevant Points of Each of the Four Key Components


Passing & Receiving: Passing the ball on the ground with pace from different distances and receiving the ball while keeping it moving will be encouraged in all age groups.

Shooting: Players must develop the ability to shoot from different distances. All players will be encouraged to shoot from any distance during the game.

Ball Control and Turning: Players will be encouraged to keep close control of the ball and use different turning techniques to move away from the defender.


Playing Out From the Back: All teams must feel comfortable playing the ball from the back through the midfield and from there to the final quarter of the field.

Possession & Transition:

All teams must try to keep possession of the ball playing a one-two touch game. Players will be encouraged to support and move, thus creating passing options. Once the possession game is consolidated the team must learn how to transfer the ball in the most efficient way from one area of the field to another.

Offense-Defense Quick Transition & Vice Versa: When possession is lost, players must react quickly and apply pressure to regain the ball. Once possession is regained, players will be positioned immediately to counter-attack.


Speed & Agility: These qualities will be evident in the game from the early ages.

Endurance: Individual players and teams will train to be resilient to high-intensity action .

Strength & Power: Strong players develop their speed more quickly, prevent injuries and are more competitive in games.


Respect & Discipline: Players will adapt to a role on the team and respect teammates, coaches, referees and opponents.

Cooperation: Each player will be part of a unit, and will cooperate with teammates to achieve the objectives for a given task, session or game, as well as for the entire season.

Competitiveness: Competitive players will be rewarded for their effort and focus.