
What I learned at Burning Man and Why I Play Soccer

A good ten years ago my college buddy invited me to Burning Man. Sure, I had heard of it before. It was a wild party in the desert. Why not, let’s go. My friend Pete Apicella flew out from New York with elaborate costume entail. The very fisrt thing he did was tape a crude cardboard sign to the back of my car. It read: “No Spectators, Only Participants” He was obsessed with this phrase and waxed poetic about it for hours on the car ride over the Sierras towards Nevada. Other cars with bikes and tons of gear would honk and give us high fives. What was all this enthusiasm about? Pretty much impossible to really get it until you are there. Arriving at Burning Man was a religious experience. 10,000 people at that time camped in a giant half arc stretching for almost a mile. What immediately stood […]

Why Winning Is Almost Everything

Winning a fair played game against another team is our highest ambition as a club. To win is a measure of our skill, teamwork, and organization as a club. In about 98% percent of this country these statments would be self-evident and so obvious as to not be worth mentioning. But we do not live in the valley, the lowlands, the red states, the corn belt, the Eastern sea board. We live in the West County and like many I was raised to believe that winning was bad and that all competition was evil. Forward thinking parents like mine enrolled their children in droves into Recreational soccer. In pure ignorance and defiance it was thought of as the “non-sport”. “Soccer” was a sport of no physical contact, team work, good excercise and earnest coaches who had never played the sport fostering an environment of peace and empathy. Believe it, they […]

Blast from the Past – SSC vs Real Espana Game Report

GAME SIX REPORT: SSC 0 – REAL ESPANA 2 and… THE HEACOCK THAT ALMOST MADE HISTORY May, 27th 2012 Sorry folks that game six summary is fairly somber compared to last week’s report. If you are short on time don’t miss the report on Brian’s history making penalty shot attempt in the last section. The somber tone?…It’s partly due to the fact that we were simply out classed by the best team in the division. No excuses… No one to blame… We lost to a better team. We put up a respectable fight but it was no match for their excellent passing and dribbling up through the midfield. We sorely missed the firepower of Greg F, Greg C, Stephen and Baron and our streaky but injured Winger, Izzy). This was a game in which my personal highlight was defiantly pointing to their prodigiously speedy, skinny as a rope European midfielder […]